A Christmas movie about Taylor Swift: I throw up
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A Christmas movie about Taylor Swift: I throw up

They are so beautiful and they inspire television. Image: watson


Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are having a highly publicized romance that has the cameras and paparazzi of the celebrity press waltzing. A Christmas TV movie, inspired by their love, is about to see the light of day. A TV crust is coming, and indigestion with it.

10.09.2024, 18:5310.09.2024, 23:14

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How to get out of this mess, of these multiple articles on the American superstar with the tour that is making the greenbacks cough up – a race for concerts and 2 billion in revenue?

Anything goes when it comes to talking about Taylor Swift. As proof, she went arm in arm with her Travis Kelcey to the US Open. A first-rate piece of information that contributes to the fascinating golden odyssey of the American star and her tender footballer companion. An absolute happiness that has not yet found its final chapter – even if a contract announces the breakup between the two lovebirds.

But the question is: Is Travis Kelce the right choice, the right match, dear readers? The world is holding its breath, because “But Daddy I love him,” to refer to Swift’s latest album.

This time, at the edge of artistic thought, the world, or not, will discover a new facet of Taylor Swift’s enchanted life thanks to a TV movie inspired by her romance, announces People Magazine. Worse, it will be a Christmas TV movie.announces Lifetime, the channel behind this delicious idea worthy of a little joke from your 11-year-old niece under the spell of the American singer.

It’s a gift. Baptized Christmas in the Spotlightthis Swift and Kelce-inspired film is backed by a synopsis of splendid depth, which reveals a text so inept that cinema geniuses will have their brains fried at first reading.

Here it is:

A popular and famous musician who, despite singing about love and relationships, has yet to find the perfect man (…) She meets Drew, a professional football player, backstage at her concert with her niece. When he publicly declares that he has a crush on Bowyn, they decide to go out together. The couple’s feelings grow stronger by the day… but can it last in the spotlight, especially when they both have such busy schedules? People wonder if their feelings are real and they have to deal with pressure from the press, paparazzi, their fans and even their family.

A molasses worthy of two teenagers who exchange a smile, who laugh blissfully before giving each other a kiss between two lockers. It’s even better when the quarterback wraps up the high school star. All afflicted with insipid actors and candy pink dialogues to capture this TikTok audience who adores fairy tales and fallen loves.

Laith Wallschleger and Jessica Lord, the two actors who will play the most famous lovers in the world.Image: Instagram / watson

What’s better than a romance under the lenses, smeared with the liniment of a superficial love dripping with marshmallow. A perfect condensed version to make a horde of more or less young fans suffer from a recurring illness: swiftiesmania.

A future crust to make money

But the problem is not the faithful – as the saying goes: to each his own, if you don’t want to upset your boyfriend or girlfriend next door. No, it is sadder to see the unhealthy desire to to fill one’s pockets using the flatness of the superstar (and algorithm) of global pop. Even if it means making a TV crust to sit Swifties in front of their small screen? Yes.

Why deprive yourself when the cash machine is running at full speed? Now, this trend, personally, makes me pour out my bile, like Swift’s songs that have only scalped her heartaches for almost twenty years. Same refrains, same metaphors; we’re just waiting for the Swift in the film (it will be the actress Jessica Lord) to sing us a love lament on the piano.

For the American megastar, his life is a series of not always nice skits (bad Jake Gyllenhaal), which asks him to review his wounds, to self-analyze them in order to understand. (Yes, we listened to the album for the trouble.)

Without giving in to criticism of the young woman’s musical talent, this TV film is simply one event too many: the love affair of losers that delights teenagers, combined with the futile loves of high school. An idea that forces us to join the “Tortured Hater Department” for good.

And even if the pop singer is not the originator of this brilliant idea, even if she only sings about her fragility displayed on the biggest stages in the world, His name is now synonymous with instant acne, stubborn indigestion.

Christmas in the Spotlight gives me one of the biggest artistic and personal discontents. I vomit. It is a form of cadaverization of creation and peopolization. And even if Christmas TV movies have never produced a conclusive work, Swift’s feelings will be even less so.

I don’t blame you Taylor (well, a little), I blame those damn producers behind this project that stinks of sulfur.

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