Event in Luxembourg: “More than 600 km to participate in the casting of ”The Voice””
DayFR Euro

Event in Luxembourg: “More than 600 km to participate in the casting of ”The Voice””

With 35 candidates, including only 11 Luxembourg residents, the casting of “The Voice, la plus belle voix” and “The Voice Kids”, organized this Tuesday at the cultural center “Altrimenti”, in Luxembourg, has gone far beyond the borders of the Grand Duchy. To have the chance to participate in the talent show broadcast on TF1the contenders did not hesitate to travel many kilometers.

Originally from Le Havre, a French port city located… 600 km from Luxembourg, Laura Cardoso got up at 4am to arrive on time for the casting of “The Voice” with her father José, 58. “I’m here to share, above all, and to discover a new experience,” the 20-year-old told us. “I’ve already participated in “The Voice Portugal”, but I always have a lot of stress before going on stage.”

From Liège (Belgium), Séva also travelled to Luxembourg City for the first time. “Two short hours of driving, that’s fine… I sent videos and they called me to the casting,” she told us. “I’ve already taken part in ”The Voice Belgique”, so why not try France? It’s a step up. It’s always stressful, because you’re judged here. From the Grand Duchy, I only knew the restaurants in Martelange where I’ve already been invited to sing.”

Vocal coach and casting manager for “The Voice France”, Grégory Vajs admitted to having had “some nice surprises”. “We are here for both shows”, he recalled (Editor’s note: the children and the adults). “We come back here because there is a lot of talent. We may not always realize it, but the pool is good. We give priority to Luxembourg candidates, but we do not forget the neighboring regions. Here, in the Grand Duchy, thanks to their mastery of several languages, the candidates find it easier to sing in English”.

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