a prestigious collection of captivating novels
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a prestigious collection of captivating novels

Internal press release – Are you a sucker for suspense? CMI France, the group that owns ELLE magazine, in partnership with Le Monde, is launching a collection dedicated to the prolific author Georges Simenon. A collector’s edition!

His sense of storytelling that keeps you on the edge of your seat has made the Belgian writer a legend. Georges Simenon, creator of Inspector Maigret, has won over readers from all over the world: he is the third most translated French-speaking author in the world! His immense output has even inspired cinema (more than 70 films) and television (nearly 350 adaptations).

With “Le monde de Simenon”, CMI France, in partnership with Le Monde and Les Presses de la Cité, tackles the monument’s “hard novels”: its detective novels, historical stories and dark novels. A fascinating series to devour every 15 days.

70 romans collectors

Produced under the supervision of his son John Simenon, the prestigious collection “Le monde de Simenon” invites you to immerse yourself in the writer’s fascinating world every two weeks. The artist Jacques de Loustal magnificently illustrates the covers of each volume. Each of them is accompanied by an editorial file signed by Benoît Denis, professor at the University of Liège, where he directs the Study Center dedicated to the author. In all, 70 titles are waiting to fill your library!

On sale at newsstands since August 21, the first issue, “Le Passager du Polarlys” (€2.99) depicts a detective story mixing love, psychology and mystery. Issue 2, “La Mort de Belle” (€6.99), has been available since September 4. Don’t miss “Les Volets verts” (€10.99) on September 18…

Read the rest of the article on Elle.fr

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