The Abbé Pierre Foundation will change its name after the discovery of 17 new damning testimonies
DayFR Euro

The Abbé Pierre Foundation will change its name after the discovery of 17 new damning testimonies

Accusations of sexual assault and rape have been multiplying for several weeks against a sacrosanct figure: that of Abbé Pierre. But how is the Foundation that bears his name reacting?

17. These are seventeen new testimonies that add to an already weighty case. Abbé Pierre, who died in 2007, is accused of sexual assault and rape by several women. The man nicknamed “the little father of the poor” denounces alleged violence committed between the 1950s and the 2000s. All this is contained in a twenty-six page document.

Previously, last July, 12 testimonies had already been heard, and reported in a damning report directly published… By the Emmaüs movement. It was then a question of alleged facts spanning from the end of the 1970s to 2005. “Inappropriate gestures”, “obscene remarks”, “groping” but also sexual assaults, against volunteers, employees, all young, even very young… Among the women questioned, one of them was indeed a minor at the time of the first facts.

Touching of the breasts, forced kisses, forced fellatio, acts of sexual penetration, psychological manipulation… Adrien Chaboche, general delegate of Emmaüs International, castigates: “Now, for everyone, but especially for people who have been victims of violence in their lives, Abbé Pierre is the image of a sexual predator.“.

And now? What are the reactions?

Well, following these testimonies, a confidential listening and support system was set up by the…

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