Théo Curin prepared like a champion to present Slam
DayFR Euro

Théo Curin prepared like a champion to present Slam

Théo Curin drew on his experience in sports competition to prepare to host Slam following Cyril Féraud, who has taken over the reins of Tout le monde veut prendre sa place.

For the show’s return this Monday, September 9, the former disabled swimmer looked back on his preparations.

“I watched about a hundred of Cyril Féraud’s shows,” he told Gala. “I trained with Mehdi Harbaoui, who is my producer for all the shows I do for France Télévisions. He came to my house until very late, we watched shows, I trained in my living room to launch the game. It was quite funny.”

The 24-year-old presenter was also able to rely on his experience as an athlete to help him embark on this “childhood dream”. “I also prepared myself as I did when I was competing, by doing visualization, that is to say, I made sure that my brain visualized as many things as possible for the big day,” he explained. “Thanks to the images I had seen, I was able to imagine thousands of scenarios, which allowed me to be as calm as possible.”

The summer was very emotional for Théo Curin, who also launched the opening ceremony of the Paris Paralympic Games at Place de la Concorde on August 28. “It was quite impressive because I didn’t expect so many people. I had two days of rehearsals, in the evening, in a completely empty Concorde. When I saw it full on the day of the ceremony, it was really something else,” he recalled.

Fortunately, everything went as planned. “I really got an adrenaline rush that day,” admits Théo Curin.


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