Here are 3 essential limits to put in place in your relationship according to a psychologist
DayFR Euro

Here are 3 essential limits to put in place in your relationship according to a psychologist

Throwing yourself into it wholeheartedly and letting your heart guide you are natural aspirations at the beginning of all love stories. “However, if you sincerely believe that you and your partner have what it takes to build a lasting, loving relationship, It is wise to take a step back and establish some ground rules before taking big steps”tempers Mark Travers, psychologist, in the columns of Psychology Today.

Among these rules, the psychologist recommends focusing in particular on establishing limits: Boundaries play a vital role in protecting the relationship and your individual feelings, especially in a relationship that involves uncharted territories. Without them, potential miscommunications and unforeseen differences can escalate into significant problems and blind you to the potential the relationship may have in the process.” Mark Travers suggests three boundaries that can provide a good foundation for starting a relationship.

1. Expectations for the future.

“Talking about the future in a relationship that’s still in its early stages can be daunting. While it may seem premature or intimidating to broach topics like long-term goals and life plans, addressing these issues early on can ensure that you and your partner are on the same page, especially on the pages that will mean the most to both of you…

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