A new office for the start of the school year? Our 12 inspirations for finding the right one
DayFR Euro

A new office for the start of the school year? Our 12 inspirations for finding the right one

As the new school year begins, it’s time to think about a desk. Classic, designer, industrial, sleek, straight or corner, there are an infinite number of styles and just as many ways to arrange your workspace. But first of all, you need to ask yourself the right questions. Are you going to spend most of your time there or will it be used from time to time to sort administrative paperwork? Do you need peace and quiet or does noise bother you? And of course, how much space do you have? Only then will you be able to invest in the right places and choose the desk that appeals to you and meets your needs.

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You are lucky enough to have a room of your own, take care of the atmosphere (plants, rugs, storage, lamp, seat, etc.) and the choice of the desk. In light wood, with modern lines, it helps to create a soft atmosphere. Expect a top of at least 60 cm deep to work comfortably and put your things down, and a height of 60 to 80 cm depending on your height. The straight desk remains the most common. Compact or large, it adapts to everyone’s needs and to various configurations.

Additional advice: think about the details that make the difference: size of the feet, hole for passing cables, drawers, etc.

This office furniture has stood the test of time with brilliance. Classic or very modern version, it combines functionality and elegance. Its strong point is certainly its multiple compartments: drawers, niches, shelves, (…)

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