The Giant Robots, good sound in Gros-de-Vaud

The Giant Robots, good sound in Gros-de-Vaud
Stéphane Gobbo

Published on September 06, 2024 at 10:39.

Garage rock has the merit of being transparent about its genealogy: it was born in American garages! It was in the 1960s, when teenagers excited by the electric revolution then underway began to tinker away from narrower parental ears with a mixture of blues and rockabilly with crackling melodies, prefiguring with the help of the first effects pedals both surf rock, psychedelia and punk.

On the occasion of its Summer Session, organized this Saturday in Assens (no parking on site, it is advisable to take the Lausanne-Echallens-Bercher train), the Croc’ the Rock Festival – whose 13th edition will take place at the end of October in Etagnières, faithful to its tradition of bringing good rock to Gros-de-Vaud – invites you to a half-day of music that will open with a resolutely vintage garage rock… but made in Vaud by a group that has become one of the European flagships of the genre.

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