Emmanuel Macron appoints Michel Barnier as Prime Minister

Emmanuel Macron appoints Michel Barnier as Prime Minister

Former minister and former right-wing European Commissioner Michel Barnier was appointed Prime Minister on Thursday, September 5, shortly after 1 p.m.

Exit Bernard Cazeneuve, Xavier Bertrand or Thierry Beaudet. Former Brexit chief negotiator Michel Barnier was just appointed Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron on Thursday, September 5, we learned from a press release from the Élysée. At 73, Michel Barnier succeeds Gabriel Attal and becomes the oldest Prime Minister in France.

Read also >> Appointment of the Prime Minister: 4 things to know about Michel Barnier

The president “tasked him with forming a unifying government to serve the country and the French people,” the Élysée Palace said. Emmanuel Macron “ensured that the Prime Minister and the future government would meet the conditions to be as stable as possible and give themselves the chance to unite as broadly as possible,” the presidency added.

Towards a motion of censure?

Is Michel Barnier, however, assured of forming a government that would escape parliamentary censure? Nothing is less certain. On the left, the leader of the socialist deputies Boris Vallaud recalled on France 2 that the right would be “subject to a sanction because it will be for implementing a right-wing policy”. The leader of the deputies of La France insoumise, Mathilde Panot, accused the head of state of not respecting with this nomination “popular sovereignty” and the “choice resulting from the ballot box”.

The RN, which threatened Bernard Cazeneuve and Xavier Bertrand with immediate censorship, must…

Read the rest of the article on Elle.fr

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