INFO LE FIGARO – Almost a month after their father’s death, the four-page document was sent to them by registered mail from Switzerland.
Nearly three weeks after Alain Delon’s death, the actor’s will has been sent to his three children, it has been learned The Figaro from a source close to the case.
This was sent by Alain Delon’s notary last Friday by registered mail from Switzerland to Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien Delon. The four-page document detailing the distribution of the inheritance between the children was also sent to the two other executors – in addition to the notary – the actor’s lawyer Me Christophe Ayela and his wealth manager.
If they wish, the executors now have 14 days to retract the function assigned to them. For their part, the three children have, under Swiss law, 30 days to contest the document.
Brotherhood torn apart
In January, while the siblings were torn apart over the health of their weakened father, Anthony Delon returned to the actor’s legacy in a long interview on Cnews. “I would like to start by putting out a fire, because all this talk of money, of inheritance, it makes me sick.”said Alain Delon’s eldest son, having just lit the first fuse of a fratricidal media battle by announcing that he had filed a complaint against his sister.
“I don’t want us to be associated with the Johnny and Bettencourt cases. I want to tell the truth. I want to say why we are tearing each other apart today (…) The succession is settled, there are no financial problems.”he continued. “My sister has 50% of our father’s inheritance, while Alain-Fabien and I each have 25%.”he also explained. “There is no conflict, no war of inheritance.”