The 8pm news on France 2 will be extended to last one hour

Presenter Anne-Sophie Lapix on the France 2 news, in the France Television studios in Paris, January 25, 2022. JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP

The unmissable meeting place for millions of French viewers is changing format: the 8pm news broadcast will be extended. It will now last one hour, in order to “take the time” of “decrypt” and “complex world”announced France Télévisions on Wednesday, September 4.

“Starting next week, you will find an hour of news between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m.”declared the director of information of the public group, Alexandre Kara, during the big conference of the start of the school year. This new format 8 p.m. news will begin on September 9. Until now, the news lasted about thirty-five minutes. “We are going to give more time to the 8pm news, because it is more necessary than ever in the complex environment that we have.”argued Mr. Kara, according to whom he is « vital » of “take the time for information”.

“This probably goes against the grain of an era of shortcuts.”stressed the president of France Télévisions, Delphine Ernotte Cunci. According to her, “The French people’s demand to understand and decipher the world has increased tenfold”.

The 8pm news on France 2 is presented during the week by Anne-Sophie Lapix and at the weekend by Laurent Delahousse. This extension “doesn’t mean we’re going to lose momentum”assured Lapix, promising “long reports to take the pulse of society”as well as “more investigations”.

Prime time remains at 9:05 p.m.

“We are not going to choose to process more information, but to process it better”added Mr. Kara. “The idea is to extend the subjects when necessary”with supporting reports and “more people on the set”as “experts and specialist journalists”he detailed. “It’s about not leaving people alone when faced with information that is sometimes complex and often indigestible.”insisted the director of information at France Télévisions.

According to him, there will be “two turns of phrase” of this new news, “a rather week” Monday to Thursday, and a “more like a weekend” from Friday to Sunday, where the second part will be devoted to magazine topics.

The extension of the 8pm news on France 2 will not delay the broadcast of the following programmes, and could even bring it forward compared to what it is currently, the public group assured. “Prime time will start at 9:05 p.m.”promised the number 2 of France Télévisions, Stéphane Sitbon-Gomez. According to him, “the extra space” was released by the passage of the daily soap opera “Such a great sun” on France 3, whereas it was previously broadcast on France 2 at 8:40 p.m., just after the news.

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