If you know any Grégoire or Grégory, you may not call them by their full first name because they are long first names. Their diminutive can very quickly be Greg. But this diminutive is also a first name in its own right whose meaning is also the same as the first names Grégoire and Grégory. But they are much fewer in number! 800 boys are named Greg and are celebrated on November 14, compared to 24,000 Grégoire and 89,000 Grégory.
Greg is spelled in several ways: it is also written Graig or Gregg.
A fairly recent first name
Greg is a first name which is appeared in France in the 1980s. And it is in the middle of the 1990s that he knows the most success, with 54 garçons named Greg in 1995. In the 2010s, the first name declined with 5 boys in 2017 and only 3 boys in 2019. Which makes a total of around 800 Greg in France currently.
What is Greg’s character?
Greg is a child full of dynamism and which shows a certain audacity. He likes to be given independence. Which doesn’t stop him fromappreciate hugs and gentleness. As he grows up, he shows good confidence, honesty and a great desire to lead. He always gives good advice.
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