Decorated with lights and draped in red, the forecourt of the Holy Dévote church has put on its most beautiful assets to celebrate the owner of Monaco. Inside the building, the princely family attends the salvation of the very holy sacrament. In the first row, the sovereign prince Albert II is next to his son, Prince Jacques in costume, then is installed Princess Charlène, particularly elegant in a Bordeaux jacket. By her side, her daughter Princess Gabriella sports an impeccable fringe and a little black set.
At the end of the ceremony celebrated by the Archbishop of Monaco, Monsignor Dominique-Marie David, the sovereign prince comes out with his son to greet the Monegasques who wait behind the security barriers. He was very quickly joined by Princess Charlène and Princess Gabriella. The whole family advances, surrounded by a hedge of honor of children brandishing torches. All together, they head towards the Hercules port where the boat awaits them, symbol of the arrival of Sainte devotees on the rock. Originally from Corsica, this Virgin and Martyr refused to abjure her faith. She was sentenced to death by the Roman Emperor Barbabrus around the year 303 and her body was hidden in a boat by Christians. Guided by a dove, the boat agreed on the Monegasque coast.
On the journey, the couple takes the time to shake hands with many people who came to attend this traditional ceremony. Princess Charlène even passes in front of her husband to exchange with the inhabitants of the rock. Arriving in front of the boat, the princely family welcomes the various personalities of the Principality. The national anthem resounded soon after, taken up in chorus by the Assembly. Behind the sovereign couple we also see the cousin of the sovereign prince, Mélanie-Antoinette de Massy, granddaughter of Princess Antoinette.
-It’s time to distribute the torches. Jacques and Gabriella are not asked. Under the amused eye of their parents, the Marquis des Beaux and the Countess de Carladés approach their flame of olive trees surrounding the boat. Their parents do the same, before quickly retreating in front of the movement of fire avoided by the wind. Looking at the embraces, the sovereign prince readjusts his son’s coat and joke with his daughter. Happiness that is a pleasure to see.
Read also >> “Do not stress them with too many commitments”, this wish of Albert de Monaco for his children