Amateur artists from the region have been exhibiting since Saturday at the Artsenal gallery. Like every year, the Delémont Regional Cultural Center asked them to submit their creations to participate together in an exhibition. The CCRD set one condition: the self-portrait. “We were open to feelings, to interior landscapes,” explains Yves Noirjean. The director of the CCRD indicates that this theme posed some difficulties for creatives in the region. Instead of around thirty applications, the jury ended up with nine proposals, all of which were accepted. “It’s a theme that was surprisingly scary. People had to get over this fear of talking about themselves. So there is a lot of inventiveness to try to overcome the obstacle.”
Among the works, we discover a mirror and a camera which allow visitors to take a portrait of themselves, but also enlarged shots of the eyes of one of the artists, or even lunar landscapes. Yves Noirjean also enjoys being able to exhibit the self-portrait of a “universal star” that is Chat GPT. Loïc Erard submitted the competition data to artificial intelligence software and the result was the sketch of a face and its countless connections.
Irony of the self-portrait
-As for Eloi Gigon, who finished his installation Saturday morning, he built a machine that paints. Little motivated by the theme, the young 21-year-old Delémontain was ultimately inspired by the desire to get as far away from the paper as possible. “I wanted to take a step back and see how we can make irony with that. » So a person slides a sheet into a structure made of pulleys and a belt. The paper will then fall into a funnel, at the end of which two brushes apply paint. Eloi Gigon has thus put an entire machine “between the trace on the paper and the person who initiates the gesture”.
The “Self-portraits” exhibition by amateur artists can be discovered until February 16 at the Artsenal gallery in Delémont on Fridays from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., and Sundays from 3 p.m. at 6 p.m. /ncp