CLAP starting for the Ciné ‘Genis festival

CLAP starting for the Ciné ‘Genis festival
CLAP starting for the Ciné ‘Genis festival

The Jeanne d’Arc cinema will be 100 years old in 2026, but its metamorphosis in a comfortable and high -tech room with 274 places celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. It took a happy combination of circumstances for the “Ciné ‘Genis” festival to see the light of day. Mayor Jacky Quesson and Philippe Seguin – responsible for the media library but also projectionist and programmer of the Jeanne d’Arc cinema – had been thinking about it for a while. And a fine morning in May, Philippe received an email from Abby Héraud – she had sent her to all the cinemas – where she said she was interested in the organization of a film festival. He replied: “We are ready” signing the birth of Ciné ‘Genis.

The theme of this first edition, in concert with Jacky Quesson, was quickly chosen: agriculture. In this regard, a small historic reminder, the mayor underlines in his editorial that Saint-Genis, thanks to his situation at the crossroads of two main roads, the Route 137 -Saint-Malo and the departmental road 2 Barbezieux-Port Maubert, is Born from agricultural activity, with the holding of important fairs ranging from the cattle market to the wine market and cognac.

Three or four stakeholders per session

Once the theme is chosen, the three workers’ ankles of the festival, Philippe Seguin, Abby Héraud and Julie Tessier began to look at the programming. Three films will be screened Thursday 30, two Friday 31 January, and three Saturday 1is February (program below). They contacted the directors, Naël Marandin immediately replied that he would come on Friday evening and Saturday all day. Stakeholders – three or four per session, veterinarians, breeders, cereal trees, etc. – will be present for round tables led by the cinephile Jean -Pierre enaud at the end of each film.

Philippe Seguin also contacted schools, they worked in the media library and three short films were made with schoolchildren. They will be screened before the films. Others have made drawings, they will be exhibited, as well as photographs of François Huchet, Thierry Martin, and a collective of photographers from Jonzac. A producer market will be held on 1is February from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. And food trucks were scheduled for Thursday and Friday evening, Saturday noon and evening. “We have shot down a lot of work since May, the municipal council is behind us. A pleasure, the school was ready immediately ”recognizes Philippe Seguin.


The program

Thursday 30: “Savages” by Claude Barras at 9 am, “Little peasant” by Hubert Charuel at 1:45 pm, “Premier Crus” by Jérôme Le Maire at 8 pm. Friday 31: “Give me wings” by Nicolas Vanier at 1:45 pm, “Anaïs, two chapters” by Marion Gervais at 8 pm. Saturday 1is : “La Ferme des Bertrand” by Gilles Perret at 10 am, “It’s the world upside down” by Nicolas Vanier at 2 pm, “La Terre des Men” by Naël Marandin at 8 pm.
Prices: 5 euros per session (without reservation), 3 euros per school pass (by reservation by email: media [email protected] or telephone: 05 46 49 85 53).



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