The American writer Lisa Gardner tells an unresolved disappearance in the heart of the Wyoming mountains in her new novel, “Last evening”

The American writer Lisa Gardner tells an unresolved disappearance in the heart of the Wyoming mountains in her new novel, “Last evening”
The American writer Lisa Gardner tells an unresolved disappearance in the heart of the Wyoming mountains in her new novel, “Last evening”

Considered one of the undisputed queens of the suspense, the American Lisa Gardner was inspired by her own hikes in the mountains and her numerous interviews with specialists in research and rescue in the wild to write her highly anticipated “hiking thriller», Late evening. The action takes place in the mountains of Wyoming, in an imaginary place called “Le Canyon du Diable”. Well chosen since history is, precisely, evil.

The new novel by Lisa Gardner is published in French by Albin Michel editions.

Photo provided by Albin Michel Editions

Frankie Elkin, the heroine of this new series which started last year with Summer beforedoes not know anything about the forest, nothing about hiking and nothing backpacking. On the other hand, when the time comes to find missing, she has no equal.

When she learns that the father of Timothy O’Day, a young man who disappeared in the mountains of Wyoming the first night of his bachelor party, begins a final research operation, all her “antennas” light up. She takes the direction of Wyoming to join the team.

The shipment sinks into a wild territory difficult to access and filled with snakes. The case is Corse: someone tries to prevent them from progressing. The whole team will taste it.

Frankie Elkin

Lisa Gardner, a hiking enthusiast who regularly explores the most beautiful trails of the white mountains with her dog, learned a lot of interesting things by writing this hiking thriller (“Thriller in Rando”).

“This series looks at the work of Frankie Elkin, a woman who studies the cases of unexplained disappearances that the rest of the world has put aside,” explains Lisa Gardner in an interview. The first title of the series was happening in Boston, but the second takes place in the mountains of Wyoming, which adds an even more complex dimension in case.

Unrelated cases

“In most situations, volunteers will move to do research. But after a while, it is presumed that the person died and everyone resumes their normal occupations, ”she adds.

“For families, it’s terrible: they have no response, they don’t know what happened, their loved ones is no longer. One of the terms used is as follows: the cold vanish [«une disparition non résolue»].

“There are about 3000 cases of people who left one day hike or to go out of campsite and have never been reviewed again.”

Amazing facts

Lisa Gardner has met new Hampshire research and rescue to document. What they revealed to him simply made him. “One of the first things they know, when they go on a mission is that they will find the body of another missing person. It happened several times in my region. It makes me a little more nervous when I go hiking! ”

The writer really liked to describe the misadventures of Frankie Elkin, who always feels like a fish out of the water. “She always finds herself in an unknown place where she has to learn something new. In this case, she is not a hiker or a camper and has no idea what a Wyoming expedition represents. ”

Frankie’s challenges

“She knows no hiking techniques, does not know what to put in her backpack and does not know the three basic rules. If you spend time in wild environments, it is something you know by heart: you can do without shelter for three hours if the weather is not mild, water for three days and food for three weeks. “

“We can think that a person lost in the mountains would tend to descend. But the research and rescue specialists taught me that they will rather tend to mount, to find signal on their phone. Technology has changed things. “


Late evening

Lisa Gardner

Albin Michel editions

Environ 450 pages

  • Lisa Gardner is one of the undisputed queens of the suspense.
  • She is subscribed to No 1 you Palmarborn you New York Times.
  • Several of his novels have been adapted to cinema or television and several were awarded.
  • Son roman The house next door was the winner of the Grand Prix of readers ofELLE In .
  • She lives in the New Hampshire mountains.
  • Son site web:

“The city of Ramsey looks like a western decor that would have been transported in dusty foot buttresses of very real mountains. A picturesque main street bordered by two rows of wooden storefronts whose protruding roofs are cut like puzzle pieces on the marine sky. I notice a general grocery store painted yellow between a dark green bazaar and a faded red saloon. Coffee, livestock food store, T-shirt-catching-tourist, leather goods shop and, that goes without saying, a showcase with all the paraphernalia of the perfect cowboy. ”

– Lisa Gardner, Late eveningAlbin Michel editions

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