“Take me away” Bob Marley feat with Tupac and many others in the Couleurs Tropicales playlist

“Take me away” Bob Marley feat with Tupac and many others in the Couleurs Tropicales playlist
“Take me away” Bob Marley feat with Tupac and many others in the Couleurs Tropicales playlist

Kayz Loum and Claudy Siar retrace the great highlights of History which have combined: sport and music. Return to music on these unforgettable events such as Zaire 74, or the live closing ceremony of CAN 21 in Cameroon.

To watch the clips, click on the song titles:

Koffi Olomidé ft Cindy the heartKoukoulou

Dawatcha et DJ BrianA dance

Mike KayihuraCome on

2Pac feat Bob MarleyTake me away

Kendrick LamarLuther

Jay BrownieHarmful

Nas BLKHumans


Bob MarleyWar

Alpha BlondyThe war

African Jazz – Table ronde

Franco – Lumumba, national hero

Valérie and Marie-Paule Tribord – I am

Dj Tyson feat TaynaWhat are you playing?

Emma’a feat KulturrLove like that

Find our playlist on Deezer.



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