The presence of the circus show “L’Empreinte” in Quessoy is the result of a partnership between La Passerelle, Quai des rêve and Vis Comica! Three performances taking place from Wednesday January 15 to Friday January 17 at the Espace associatif et culturelle de Quessoy.
“L’Empreinte” is a show of infinite delicacy, carried by two artists, musicians and clowns, Servane Guittier and Antoine Manceau from the company L’Attraction Céleste. Both welcome the public into a miniature circus, with a warm atmosphere, creating in a few minutes an ephemeral community which we have the impression that it has always existed, that we all know each other. Equipped with their instruments, the two actor-musicians unfold a circus of their own, woven with wire objects, delicacy and improbable little nothings. A poetic spectacle, a moment of ephemeral communion, between surprises, laughter and tears.
“L’Empreinte”, again Thursday January 16 and Friday January 17 at 8:30 p.m. at the Quessoy associative and cultural space (Armor Room). Show recommended from 10 years old. Prices from 6 to 15 €. Contact: tel. 02 96 68 18 40 or on the website