Devin and Cecilia, nicknamed Cece, two teenage twins, return during the summer to live with their divorced father, Anthony, in a quiet neighborhood of New York. There they find some long-lost childhood friends, but their stay is quickly disrupted by strange events.
These seem linked to the mysterious disappearance of four young people their age, including their father’s older brother, thirty years earlier in an abandoned factory renowned for having housed scientific experiments decades before…
After a first season of “Goosebumps”, which did well last year already on Disney+, the platform is back again since last Friday with a second burst of episodes, the series being subtitled here “ Disappearances.” With once again adventures involving adolescents/young adults well into their time, impacted by past incidents experienced by their parents, and who will have to face supernatural threats.
Inspired by the book collection of American author RL Stine
“Goosebumps” of course draws its source from the collection of books of the same name written by the American author RL Stine (several dozen volumes translated into French!)already at the origin of a first series of the same name in the 1990s, then two eponymous films during the 2010 decade.
This season 2 is inspired by the novel “Forbidden Basement” (1996), already depicted in the 90s soap opera, but which here only provides a framework in which several other intrigues taken from others come together. books.
-A good idea, which allows for incessant twists and turns, dramatic twists at the most unexpected moments, and a vast exploration of fantasy themes. “Disappearances” thus goes from a disturbing quasi-demonic possession to the appearance of a plant horror, via a haunted car, and we forget…
The icing on the cake is the presence in the casting of ex-star of “Friends”, David Schwimmer, convincing as a divorced father hen, as obsessed with his botanical research as he is clumsy in communicating with his children.
This season 2 forces a little more on the horror than the first, while remaining visible to all audiences. The reduction to 8 episodes, compared to 10 in the previous one, also avoids unnecessarily stretching the plot.
American fantasy series by Rob Letterman and Nicholas Stoller, with David Schwimmer, Ana Ortiz, Sam McCarthy, Jayden Bartels… Season 2, 8 episodes of 39 to 46 minutes. On Disney+.