There were around thirty of them who braved the cold, Monday January 13, 2025. The Agglomeration of Lorient and the municipality launched a new exhibition, during an inauguration. It is entitled “Experiencing the war in the land of Lorient”. And deals with the Liberation of the Pocket of the city of six ports, during the Second World War. The year 2025 is marked by the 80th anniversary of this historic event. Visitors will be able to read the eight thematic panels, installed on the square in front of the Éric-Tabarly Cité de la voile. Concerning the writing and proofreading of the displayed content, the organizers were helped by a Scientific Council. It is made up of researchers and heritage professionals, representative of the entire territory of the Poche de Lorient.
A lasting exhibition?
For the mayor of Lorient and president of the Agglomeration, Fabrice Loher, it is “important” to highlight this part of history, especially in a context of “war”. The first councilor notably mentioned the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. For this reason and in order to preserve the memory for generations to come, he plans to “perpetuate” the exhibition. No end date has been announced. “The generation of 1920 only has a few survivors left,” warns Christophe Cérino, doctor in history at UBS (Université Bretagne Sud). The academic is also concerned about a “process of accelerating the erasure of memory”. According to him, this dynamic is caused by social networks, which flood young people with information. The latter would forget History more quickly. The full program for the 80th anniversary of the Liberation will be revealed in March.