Prefaced by a representative of the Abbé Pierre Foundation, Isabelle Esnult’s first novel has just been released. It is the result of a collaboration with the publishing house Le Temps d’un roman created in Boucau by the writer Arnaud Stahl and its title cannot leave you indifferent: “No one is looking for me, no one is waiting for me” ( 1).
It is a realistic novel which relates the journey of a man who becomes homeless. It tells the story of Jean in the street who, abandoned by the women in his life, lives in the anonymity of the Capital and, drowned in the crowd, lost in the mass of homeless Parisians, says to himself: “n Is there only the street to cut the circuit, the oppressive system like a steamroller that crushes everything in its path? » His story is that of thousands of others left behind. There are currently 330,000 in France – including 3,000 children – living outside if we refer to the various latest assessments carried out on the subject.
Intimate and introspective
The little 170-page book created here invites the reader to penetrate the deepest thoughts of Jean – the main character – and to share his merciless daily life. We obviously wonder when we discover the first pages: “what is its story?” How did it get there? What will become of him in the hostile world of the street? “. He will undoubtedly make an inner journey to “thwart the implacable law of fate”, if there is such a thing! But let us be reassured, Jean will be saved by love!
Isabelle Esnult wanted to construct an intimate and introspective text, like a story, produced over two years as close as possible to the harsh reality of a few homeless people. She specifies that this work is the third after two essays published by Atlantica and that a signing meeting is planned at Leclerc d’Urrugne on February 1 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
(1) On sale on all platforms: Amazon, Fnac, Decitre, Cultura, Chapter, in paper and e-book or on the publishing house’s website
Contact Isabelle Esnult : [email protected]