The film “Chasse gardee” will have a sequel, casting opens for its filming in Oise

The film “Chasse gardee” will have a sequel, casting opens for its filming in Oise
The film “Chasse gardee” will have a sequel, casting opens for its filming in Oise


Adrien Deschepper

Published on

Jan 8, 2025 at 4:51 p.m.

Released in cinemas in December 2023, the film “Guarded hunting ground” with Didier Bourbon, Hakim Jemili, Camille Lou and Thierry Lhermitte, will have good a sequel !

Seen by nearly 2 million spectators, this comedy had been filmed in Vieux-Moulin, a small forest village in the Oise. In it, a young couple leaves to settle in the countryside. But their garden quickly becomes a hunting ground, creating conflict with the hunters.

A second film shot in Oise and Aisne

The two directors, Antonin Fourlon and Frédéric Forestier, have indeed decided to shoot a sequel to this first opus. Still in the Oise, and still in the same area! But also to Vic-sur-Aisne (Aisne).

A few months before the filming of “Chasse gardee 2”, the production has just opened a casting call. “We are looking for child extras for scenes set in a rural setting,” explains the ad.

40 child extras wanted

40 children are wanted to star in this feature film. They will be divided into two groups: a mixed class of children aged 6 to 10 years old and a mixed class of agricultural high school (children aged 12 to 16 years old), “preferably tall and strong, to embody adolescents from a rural environment”.

The production specifies that this casting is “reserved for children living in Compiègne, Pierrefonds and surrounding areas. The filming will be paid “according to the union rates in force”.

Videos: currently on Actu

Filming will take place between the end of March and the end of May 2025, with the same actors as in the first film.

How to apply?

Send your application by email to [email protected] with the following information. In subject: FIGU. In the body of the email: First and last name of the child, date of birth, height, city of residence, parents’ telephone number and attach a recent photo (portrait and full length).

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