8 Places to Clean with White Vinegar

8 Places to Clean with White Vinegar

Are you the type to spend astronomical sums on household products? Stop everything, here is how to use this ally of sparkling clean interior spaces.

Open your cupboards because a miracle product and ultimate secret of the fairies of the house is hidden there: white vinegar. Eco-friendly and almost magical, no stain can resist it. Because it sanitizes, degreases, disinfects, deodorizes and is also used as a powerful anti-limescale, we adopt it to clean household appliances but also the bathroom floor and the walls of the living room. One product, 8 possibilities. Demonstration.

In the kitchen

The refrigerator

Dilute white vinegar in a glass of water and use a sponge to scrub every corner. No need to rinse, dry with a cloth.

The microwave

To disinfect and sanitize the microwave, take your miracle ingredient, namely white vinegar, and mix it with a glass of water in a bowl. Let it heat in the microwave for 3 minutes until boiling. Don’t hesitate to wipe it with a cloth to clean it.

In the living room

The windows

Prepare a mixture of 150 ml of white vinegar and 1 liter of water. Clean the windows using a sponge soaked in this cocktail. Finally, wipe everything with a clean cloth.

The walls

Even simpler than an army of detergents or a lick of paint, take a clean sponge and soak it in white vinegar and then scrub. You will find your walls white from the first days, you will see…

Also read: Zero waste: the guide to ecological cleaning

In the laundry room

The machine…

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