This Tuesday, November 17, 2024, after a first part orchestrated by Pedro Winter, boss of the Ed Banger label, Justice electrified a packed room, the first date of the two evenings planned in Paris, at their home, at home. The first time we saw the duo composed of Gaspard Augé and Xavier de Rosnay was in 2007, at their very beginnings. And since then, we have followed their rise with passion. The years pass, and the intensity of their shows grows over time. They gave us a monumental euphoric show of extraordinary quality.
No good evening, no thank you, no need to shout to make noise! These two shy people have the incredible ability to turn over a room without saying a word. Their turntables and the fusion of their talents are enough to keep their audience in suspense from start to finish. The tandem invited us to a huge party and to commune together in a titanic trance.
It’s difficult to transcribe the show we attended. The main titles retracing their career and the songs from the latest album Hyperdrama were obviously played and remixed with Justice sauce, with prodigious intensity. The group’s uniqueness lies in the clever combination of rock, metal, electro, industrial and funk sound impressions rigorously played by the two aesthetes. Never any missteps. Every note, every rhythm, sounds surgical and vibrates methodically.
To top it all off, the hypnotic scenography and the play of light cleverly designed by Vincent Lerisson, sometimes invited us to celebrate a high mass in the heart of a cathedral of light, sometimes pushed us to board a futuristic ship. We oscillated from a pop-religious universe to an electro SF universe for almost 2 hours. Because failing to address their fans with words, Justice took us on an absolutely grandiose journey. The duo literally turned the Bercy Arena upside down, where the audience left stunned by the percussive rhythm, the lyrical flights, and the aesthetics of absolutely impeccable elegance. A pure artistic gem!
Alexandra Ferrero