Premiere night in New York for the documentary “I Am: Céline Dion”

Premiere night in New York for the documentary “I Am: Céline Dion”
Premiere night in New York for the documentary “I Am: Céline Dion”

The premiere of the documentary “Je suis: Céline Dion” will take place on Monday evening in New York and TVA is on site for the occasion.

• Read also: “17 years of panic”: 15 quotes to remember from Céline Dion’s moving interview with TVA

• Read also: “Valiums and more”: Celine Dion says she could have died

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Journalist Véronique Lauzon is already near Lincoln Center, where the event will take place, while Céline Dion and the director of the documentary will address the public before its evening broadcast.

A special one-hour TVA 10 p.m. show, hosted by Pierre-Olivier Zappa, will also be broadcast on TVA and LCN as part of this premiere.

A red carpet is also planned for the early evening.

The documentary was filmed over a year to follow the singer in her daily life as she had to deal with numerous symptoms linked to stiff person syndrome.

Céline Dion also spoke to Jean-Philippe Dion during an exclusive interview broadcast Sunday evening on TVA, relating in particular that she has been affected by this illness for 17 years.

Two other premieres of the documentary will also take place in Montreal and Toronto on Monday evening.

The documentary “Je suis: Céline Dion” will be available on the Prime Video platform on June 25.

See the full explanation in the video above



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