The anti-bullfights in front of the arenas: “we are also here to say thank you to Shaka Ponk”

The anti-bullfights in front of the arenas: “we are also here to say thank you to Shaka Ponk”
The anti-bullfights in front of the arenas: “we are also here to say thank you to Shaka Ponk”

Activists from One Voice and the Radically Anti-Bullfighting Committee came to say thank you to Shaka Ponk.

No shouts, no slogans… But the anti-bullfight demonstrators are there this evening, in front of the arenas, before the Shaka Ponk concert. Around ten demonstrators from Crac (radically anti-corrida committee) and One Voice were deployed this Friday evening outside the arenas. “ We are here to also say “thanks to Shaka Ponk, for their repeated statements against bullfighting”, declares Virgile Delatre (One Voice).

In a video broadcast on March 26, on Facebook, Frah, the singer of the group, denounced “the abomination of bullfighting”.

“It’s their last round (of singing) and we tried to get the show banned, continues Virgile Delattre. Nîmes, for us, is a little symbol. Today, politicians are bickering on the subject. But 87% of French people are against bullfighting. We are also here to defend the environmental cause. We’ll stay until 9 p.m..”

“We stay outside the arenas“, confirms Cyril Vaucelle, the new president (for 15 days) of Crac.“Nîmes is not just about aficionados. There are also anti-corrida people. There, voluntarily, we did not choose visuals with blood. We don’t have a megaphone. People are there to have fun.”

On the square in front of the arenas, there is also the Nîmes, Dédé Clavel, dressed in a kilt and his sound system which multiplies the back and forth, to the great joy of the spectators. “I am here against bullfighting and for Shaka Ponk”announces Dédé.



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