Annoyed, Queen Camilla gives news of King Charles III

Annoyed, Queen Camilla gives news of King Charles III
Annoyed, Queen Camilla gives news of King Charles III

By Louise Ginies

4 hours ago,

Update 3 hours ago

King Charles III and Queen Camilla during their trip to France on June 6, 2024.
The Times / The Times/News Licensing/ABACA

A few days after their trip to France for the 80th anniversary of the Landing, Queen Camilla gave news of Charles III’s cancer. And he seems particularly stubborn in the face of illness.

Despite the illness, it was difficult to get him to slow down. Just a few days after the trip of King Charles III and Camilla Parker-Bowles to France to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, the Queen Consort spoke about her husband’s state of health. And the least we can say is that she is annoyed, even worried, by the stubbornness of the 76-year-old monarch.

During the Queen’s Reading Room, a reading festival held on June 8, Queen Camilla gave news of her husband’s health during an exchange with Lee Child, a British author. “He’s fine, except he won’t slow down and do what he’s told,” she replied, quite annoyed. “A typical husband,” the author then quipped in front of her.

Read alsoThe speech in French (with a pronounced but delicious accent) of Charles III during the commemorations of the landing

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King Charles announced that he was suffering from “a form of cancer” in February 2024, before taking time away from public life to rest. But since April, the sovereign has returned to work. On April 30, he went to the bedside of cancer patients and said he was “doing well.”

Hospitalized a few days earlier

The 76-year-old sovereign also made his first official trip abroad since the announcement of his cancer. On June 6, he was in Normandy to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. He appeared very moved and gave a speech, in French, to pay “a special tribute to the greatest tragedy of the landing”.

But this trip might well not have happened. According to The Sun , the monarch was hospitalized less than 24 hours before his departure, as part of his treatment for cancer. And their schedule isn’t getting any lighter: the couple is expected to attend a series of other functions and commitments in the coming weeks.



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