Capdenac-Gare. The mischievous wink of nursing home residents at the Olympic Games

Capdenac-Gare. The mischievous wink of nursing home residents at the Olympic Games
Capdenac-Gare. The mischievous wink of nursing home residents at the Olympic Games

Tomorrow at 6 p.m., “Derrière Le Hublot” is organizing the opening “Les Jeux oniriques”, a photographic exhibition by the collective “Le Petit cowboy” in the streets of Capdenac-Gare. Results of artistic workshops carried out with residents of the “La Croix bleue” nursing home and young people from Ditep de Massip, these photographs offer an original and local look at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. It is presented as part of “Capdenac Terre de Jeux 2024”.

The photographs are presented in the form of posters stuck in the streets and in the windows of the city’s businesses to offer as many people as possible the opportunity to benefit from this artistic proposition. On this occasion, the posters also make the participants of this multigenerational project visible and present in the city.

The residency of the artists, invited by “Derrière Le Hublot” from February to June, consisted of inventing and staging imaginary sports that do not exist: tricobox, poisket or fleurby. Erik Damiano, photographer, Cécile Grassin, choreographer, costume designer Lucie Patarozzi and lighting designer Carole China were able to lead these workshops and involve young and old people hand in hand. Through an offbeat look, the artists and workshop participants have fun with the representation of sport in the world. The appointment for the opening is at 6 p.m. Place du 14July for a tour of the city to discover the 18 photographs.

More information on or on 05 65 64 70 07



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