Charles III: the King very unhappy with his relations with his grandchildren, Archie and Lilibet

Charles III: the King very unhappy with his relations with his grandchildren, Archie and Lilibet
Charles III: the King very unhappy with his relations with his grandchildren, Archie and Lilibet

The appearance of his cancer made him aware
King Charles III that life is short and it is necessary to cherish those close to you. While he regularly spends time with his son Prince William’s children, along with his two other grandchildren, Archie and Lilibet, the distance is too present.

Installed in the United States since their departure from London, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and their two toddlers have not seen the British royal family since the jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, in June 2022. So Charles III would be
“more eager than ever” to meet up with family in order to “make up for lost time”, sources indicated to our colleagues at Mirror.

Charles III will no longer be content with this long-distance relationship with his grandchildren

If he is already alongside Princes George, Louis and Princess Charlotte, the monarch “is absolutely determined to be present in the lives of all his grandchildren. He prioritizes family above all else and whatever the course of his relationship with his son, he will never be content to see his grandchildren on an occasional video call”.

Thus, Charles III would be very unhappy with his current relationships with Archie and Lilibet. Indeed, according to Ingrid Seward, author of My Mother and I – The Inside Story of the King and Our Late Queen, « family has always been important to the king. He remembers his own childhood as somewhat fragmented, as his parents were always busy doing their homework. It is a great sadness for him to no longer see Archie and Lilibet”.

Prince Harry ready to make an effort?

the king of England
would be in favor of a reconciliation with his son. “That’s why he’ll never break ties with Harry.” He doesn’t want a FaceTime relationship with his son’s kids. He wants to know them and be involved in their lives while they are still young enough to learn from his wisdom. His cancer made it all the more poignant knowing he won’t be here forever.

On Prince Harry’s side, one of his closest friends retorted that ‘‘There has never been a problem with the king’s presence in their lives and there never will be. The door is always open”. Really ?



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