In Paris, the duo Plonk & Replonk-Bébert “parasites” the Hunting Museum for the Olympic Games

In Paris, the duo Plonk & Replonk-Bébert “parasites” the Hunting Museum for the Olympic Games
In Paris, the duo Plonk & Replonk-Bébert “parasites” the Hunting Museum for the Olympic Games

Published on June 6, 2024 at 11:59. / Modified on June 6, 2024 at 5:22 p.m.

They were the only ones who could make sense of an operation as absurd as the “parasite” of an institution dedicated to hunting during the Olympic Games. And when they discovered the museum in question, just over two years ago, they immediately said to themselves that it was already Plonk & Replonk. “This place is full of surrealist nonsense in our genre,” agree Hubert Froidevaux and Claude Stadelmann, alias Plonk & Replonk-Bébert – renamed after the split a few years ago with older brother Jacques Froidevaux, who for its part launched Plonk & Replonk Zbigl.

The artist-comedians welcome us as they present their “carte blanche” at the Museum of Hunting and Nature in Paris. This place, well known to lovers of refined curiosities in the French capital, has offered them the opportunity to intervene in its corridors until September 22 on the occasion of the cultural Olympics organized for the Olympic Games. The idea is that their absurd photomontages, so light and so heavy with meaning at the same time, come into dialogue, here and there, with the collections of this address, among the most surprising in the city. A place almost as unusual as these Jura artists.

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