The 9th Brassac Comedy on Stage festival was packed

The 9th Brassac Comedy on Stage festival was packed
The 9th Brassac Comedy on Stage festival was packed

the essential
The opening evening of the 9th Comédie en scène festival showed that the event always knows how to attract the public.

The lounge of the Brassac village hall, delicately decorated with paintings by local painters, was full during the welcome words of Domenica, the president of BrassaComédie, who recently welcomed elected officials and guests for the opening of the 9th Comédies on stage festival.

Christine Tequi, the president of the departmental council, was represented by vice-president Jean-Paul Ferré, and we also noted the presence of the mayors of Bénac, Brassac, Cos, Ganac, Saint-Martin-de-Caralp, Saint- Pierre-de-Rivèr and presidents or representatives of neighboring associations.

“The years go by and the bonds that we have created become even closer, because BrassaComédie is much more than an association: it is a family”, underlined the president, before warmly thanking the Galéjaïres troupe, who were to replace at the foot raised a Haut-Garonnaise company which canceled at the last moment. Thanks also to the municipality of Brassac and the departmental council for their financial and logistical assistance, before concluding: “I mentioned family, I now add sharing, support, good humor… In short, friendship! “

For his part, Jeau-Paul Ferré underlined his great pleasure to be there, “among you, the department is proud to have volunteers in your image. You must have courage to go on stage! It is with great pleasure that we support you, we encourage you to continue, you create a social bond and give a good image of our department.”

At the invitation of the president, a gourmet buffet and a friendly drink were shared by the guests.

At this first session, the Fuxéenne troupe from AJIRS set the tone of the festival with their piece “Goodbye Pyrène”. Nearly a hundred participants applauded this piece by Emmanuel Dardennes, to the point that it was necessary to add chairs to the 80 already set up.

Good luck to the festival.

