Castelsarrasin. The exhibition “My city once” was launched

Castelsarrasin. The exhibition “My city once” was launched
Castelsarrasin. The exhibition “My city once” was launched

This year will be a vintage for Castelsarrasin. For the bicentenary of its emblematic town hall, the sub-prefecture city will buzz with the sound of entertainment for a few months and reveal its history to the public.

The launch of the festivities was grandiose with more than 300 choristers and musicians coached by the team of the remarkable local municipal music school on Friday May 31 in the evening, on the Place de la Liberté, at the foot of the building celebrated with also the launch of “My city in the past”, a large off-site exhibition of old photographs and postcards, organized by the city’s heritage department.

Until October 11

It is visible until October 11, at the municipal media library, the town hall, the harbor master’s office, the municipal music school, the nursing home, the Pierre-Flamens college, and it also finds a beautiful setting in the dance studio of the cAdd association (Corps & Arts dance district), in the heart of the historic center at 38 bis, rue de la Révolution. The cAdd association has been based in Castelsarrasin since 2019. It opened its second studio there (the first is in Fenouillet, in Haute-Garonne) and actively participates, through its courses, workshops and activities, in the richness of the cultural offer local, with a high level of requirement.

This Saturday, June 1, the launch was given in the courtyard of the studio by the artistic and educational director of cAdd Sara Ducat, in the company of representatives of the municipality (Jeanine Bajon-Arnal and Muriel Cardona, assistants for cultural action and urban life; Sylvie Vialatte in charge of the heritage department and archivist, the backbone of the exhibition) in front of a few happy few who were amazed by the performance of the professional dancer of Ecuadorian origin Marcelo Javier Guaigua, invited by the association .

A series of upcoming events

This magnificent impromptu dance as a moving opening marked the start of this major exhibition, but also the first manifestation of the collaboration of the cAdd association with the municipality as part of the bicentenary festivities, which we will find at several occasions throughout the program for the coming months: exhibition “My city once” at the studio, until June 28, participation in the town hall party as part of Étonnant summer on July 5 and impromptu dances at the town hall, for very unique guided tours as part of the European Heritage Days on Saturday September 21 and Sunday September 22.



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