Louane wrote her new album at a specific time in her menstrual cycle and assures that it helped her

Louane wrote her new album at a specific time in her menstrual cycle and assures that it helped her
Louane wrote her new album at a specific time in her menstrual cycle and assures that it helped her
BERTRAND GUAY / AFP Singer Louane spoke during an interview this Monday, October 28, about taking her menstrual cycle into account when going to the studio.


Singer Louane spoke during an interview this Monday, October 28, about taking her menstrual cycle into account when going to the studio.

MUSIC – The myth of the cursed artist still continues in 2024. But for Louane, it was not a period of mourning or breakup that helped her to compose and write. The singer, revealed in “The Voice” at the age of 16, admitted to following her menstrual cycle to work better in the studio. A way to make the symptoms of his premenstrual syndrome, a disorder which affects up to half of women, a force in the service of his music.

“I wrote the entire album in SPM”confided Louane to the microphone of Blue. “PMS”, or “premenstrual syndrome”, refers to a disorder occurring a few days before the start of your period. Symptoms vary widely, from digestive problems to headaches, increased anxiety and irritability. There is currently no treatment because the causes of this chronic disorder are still poorly understood.

Louane explains that her approach is motivated by the intense emotions associated with PMS: “it’s not so much that it inspires me, it’s that I’m better at writing at that time”said the young woman, who has just released her fifth album, Solo. During this period of his cycle, the artist admits to being “irritable and unbearable”. “PMS for me is intense, it ruins me, but I use it very well”she adds.

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A schedule based on the menstrual cycle

A difficult mental and physical state, which paradoxically would allow her to be more prolific, which she says she noticed “years ago”.

To the point that the interpreter of “The Rain” organizes her schedule around her menstrual cycle, with the support of her teams. “When I knew that I wouldn’t have a lot of time to make this album because I wanted to release it fairly quickly, we sat down with my management and looked at my cycle” to choose the studio dates, explained Louane.

A way “to tame evil » for the one who comes out here “The Healing Album”as she explained in an interview with Parisian. In Solothe artist addresses, among other things, the subject of mental health, as she has been accustomed to doing in the media for several years.

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