National Orchestra: Quatrain of the Alps

Nikolaj Szeps-Znaider © J. Mignot / ONL

Big piece for the National Orchestra and its conductor Nikolaj Szeps-Znaider that this Alpine Symphony by Richard Strauss. But we are beginning to understand that the young maestro, musical director of the ONL since 2020, is neither afraid of challenges nor afraid of challenges.

If Richard Strauss is among the greatest symphonists in history, it is strange to note that apart from a few early works, he has no real symphony in his catalog. Almost all of his similar orchestral works belong to the category of symphonic poems, which is also the case of the work on display here. However, in many aspects as in the title, An Alpine Symphony (but also The Domestic Symphony of 1902) can be considered a symphony more by its proportions than by its form.

Composed of numerous short descriptive and naturalistic pieces played in one go, the work is an ode to nature in the Romantic tradition. She describes a hike to the summit after dark.

All of Strauss’s orchestral knowledge is expressed magnificently in this last symphonic poem by the composer.

In addition to the program, the Israeli-Palestinian pianist, Saleem Ashkar, will perform the fabulous Concerto pour piano n° 24 de W. A. Mozart.

An Alpine Symphony – Thursday October 31 at 8 p.m. and Saturday November 2 at 6 p.m. at the Auditorium –



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