Castelnaudary. Lauragais painters celebrate the lights

Castelnaudary. Lauragais painters celebrate the lights
Castelnaudary. Lauragais painters celebrate the lights

the essential
Painters from Lauragais are exhibiting at the Paul-Sibra gallery at the beginning of June for two weeks.

From June 1st to 16th, run quickly to the Paul Sibra gallery to be dazzled by the works of the visual artists chosen by the association of Lauragais Painters around the theme “Lights”. This year, eight artists were invited around the chosen theme, coming from all over Occitania. No visual arts without light, of course. Here we are talking about artists whose works radiate a particular light. Optical illusion where the light seems to come from the painting, the installation or the stained glass window.

Eight guest artists

The eight guest artists are magicians who juggle with light, each in their own way, to dazzle us, immerse us in a soothing softness or in the mysterious harmony of colored vibrations” explains Gérard Pontié, president of the association. You will thus be able to enjoy the energy emanating from a hundred works presented by Jean-Pierre Baïlé (Damiatte – 81), mixed media paintings, Bruno Béghin (Carcassonne), digital image composition, Sylvie Berman (Palaja – 11), pastels , Lise Dufaur-Mourens (Auragne – 31), ink paintings, Anne Figuet (Carcassonne), light installations, Jean-Claude Huyghe (Castelnaudary), pastels, Sclaerenn Imbeaud (Castres), stained glass, Marie d’Uby (Lectoure – 32) , acrylic paintings The opening will take place on Saturday June 1 at 11 a.m. Entertainment and additional entertainment will also be offered to you with a dry pastel painting demonstration by Sylvie Berman on Saturday June 8 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Galerie Paul. Sibra, in collaboration with Cinéma Véo, the screening of two films: Saturday June 1 at 6:20 p.m.: “Ricardo and painting” by Barbet Schroeder (2,023) and Saturday June 15 at 6:20 p.m.: “Apolonia, Apolonia” by Léa Glob (2024). The exhibition will be open every day from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Free entry. For further information, see the documents on the site with precise presentations of each artist exhibited.

Contact: 07 69 49 09 62 or 06 06 48 39 99


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