Nagui in full turmoil: maestros dismissed from “Don’t forget the lyrics” settle his account on the networks

Nagui in full turmoil: maestros dismissed from “Don’t forget the lyrics” settle his account on the networks
Nagui in full turmoil: maestros dismissed from “Don’t forget the lyrics” settle his account on the networks

Don’t forget the words made a splash on 2! On October 7, Nagui launched a new edition of the Masters, bringing together the 32 best candidates of the show.

Despite a 5-star cast, several emblematic maestros of the program are not part of the adventure. Hervé, Violaine and Geoffrey, for example, are absent from the 2024 edition… to the great dismay of viewers.

If production justified everyone’s absences by scheduling problems, Violaine wanted to restore the truth on social networks.

Nagui in the sights of several candidates

This week started the 2024 edition of the Masters of ‘Don’t forget the lyrics’, and this year I will not participate“, she confided in a video before adding: “The aim of this video is not to create a debate or controversy, but to put an end to any rumors concerning my absence. I didn’t give up on competition, nor did I have a personal commitment. This decision was made by production, and even if it upset me at first, today I accept it and I am ready to turn this beautiful page in my life“.

I would like to thank all the teams I have come across over these eight years and almost a hundred broadcasts. Thanks to you, my life has been turned upside down. I realized childhood dreams, and as a bonus I met exceptional people, talented artists with whom I formed sincere and lasting friendships. And with whom I have the joy and honor of regularly sharing the stage“, she continued.

“I’m going to get yelled at by Nagui again”

And to conclude: “I would also like to thank you, the public, who encouraged me, supported me and who will continue to follow me in this new adventure. Thank you for your words, your applause, your sympathy, and see you soon to share more beautiful moments in music. I kiss you“. A speech which provoked strong reactions.

In the comments, Kaël, the 50th best maestro of Don’t forget the lyricsfor his part clarified: “So much to say… But if I speak and say what I think, I will get yelled at by Nagui again. Anyway, I already told you in person how pathetic I found this on the part of the production and especially those who condone all this without saying anything.” Ambiance…



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