Exchange, repartee and humor at the Vendée League improvisation match

Exchange, repartee and humor at the Vendée League improvisation match
Exchange, repartee and humor at the Vendée League improvisation match


Editorial La Roche-sur-Yon

Published on

Oct 14, 2024 at 7:16 a.m.

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With the prospect of welcoming other professional teams, , , and, why not the French team, the Vendée Improvisation League (LIV) sets up its “ice rink” at the Municipal Theater of La Roche-sur-Yon for a major professional improv match, Friday October 18, 2024.

The ice rink is the playing area in which pit two teams against each other composed of four actors and a coach, under the authority of a referee.

After two years of work, this is the first confrontation with the public for these actors from theater, humor, burlesque or elsewhere.

Sylvie Chalubert, artistic director and creator of the Co-Incidences troupe

On the occasion of this great first in La Roche-sur-Yonthe “guest star” will also be the referee, since it is Philippe Saïd, from , former member of the French team, with whom he won the World Cup for improvisation theater.

A referee guaranteeing the quality of the show

His role will be central in the staging and the dynamics of improvisation: it is he who will choose the themes, unknown to the actors.

The latter will only have 20 seconds of “coaching” before initiating hostilities.

Videos: currently on Actu

The referee will also decide on the format of the match, between mixed improvisation, with a player from each team, or compared, each team treating the theme in its own way.

But its role does not stop there since it gives the number of players, the category of the match (in the manner of) and its duration.

Two 40 minute halves

With his kazoo, he whistles for mistakes, “histrionics for example”, explains Sylvie Chalubert, “if an actor pulls his cover a little too much, or lack of listening”.

The public is invited to actively participate, thanks to a two-tone card and a slipper which will be given at the entrance: the cardboard allows you to vote, the slipper, to be thrown, is used to express your possible discontent throughout the show by “savvying” the actors.

Suffice it to say that the atmosphere will be supercharged during the two 40-minute halveswith each improvisation lasting from 30 seconds to around fifteen minutes, with a break in the middle.

Municipal Theater, Friday October 18, from 8 p.m. Full price: €18, reduced price: €15, ticket office:

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