The launch of the fourth season of “Arab’s Got Talent” from the new MBC studios

The launch of the fourth season of “Arab’s Got Talent” from the new MBC studios
The launch of the fourth season of “Arab’s Got Talent” from the new MBC studios

Heba Press

With a jury composed of Nasser Al-Qasabi, Najwa Karam and Bassem Youssef, and the new MBC studios in the Narjis district of Riyadh, the seventh season of the Arabs Got Talent program will begin on October 16, which returns after an absence, to fill the heart people of entertainment, enthusiasm and joy.

Nasser Al-Qassabi

Nasser Al-Qasabi expressed his joy at returning to the program, adding: “There are programs that have become milestones in media history and have achieved unprecedented audience, following and interaction rates, and Arabs Got Talent is certainly one. one of the most important of these programs.

He added: “I think our return will create in people a nostalgia for the program after a break. » Regarding the membership of Bassem Youssef on the jury, Nasser Al-Qasabi commented: “The membership of Bassem Youssef will give a distinctive value to the program, in particular because of the pleasant alchemy that has been created between us as members of the jury, and perhaps Bassem’s beautiful mind created a spontaneous atmosphere and immediate combination. What sets Bassem apart is his keen intelligence and unique presence. He is a real person and I salute him for his distinguished performance.

Nasser Al-Qasabi continued: “The success of our program depends on the level of talent, the warmer the atmosphere of the program and the competition, which is reflected in the audience on the one hand, and on the other . on the other hand, our performance as a jury. We interact with the participants. Like us, viewers are fans of distinguished and unique talents. »

Al-Qasabi concluded: “Our audience is waiting for a busy season, and I hope that the seventh season will be worthy of the audience’s anticipation, love and trust. »

Najwa Karam:

Najwa Karam begins her speech by saying, “Our return to the seventh season is full of energy, as the show has become a part of our artistic and personal lives. »

She added: “We are happy to participate with the participants in this season, and the evaluation of their performance will be done in front of the eyes of the public, who we consider to be the real arbiter capable of determining the level of participation. »

Regarding her emotional sympathy towards the participants, Najwa Karam commented: “My sympathy towards the participants is not a role I play in the program, but rather my true personality. I am always sympathetic to others, especially the weak. »

Regarding Bassem Youssef’s participation in this season, Najwa expressed her appreciation for the human side of Bassem’s character in general, in parallel with his severity at times, emphasizing at the same time that emotion alone is not useful for evaluate the participants, viewers will therefore find in the jury’s performance a mixture of empathy and determination, like the decisive decisions “This must be accompanied by responsibility on the part of the committee, that is why sometimes we are so tough with ourselves to say “no” to someone when it’s on the agenda. best interest of the program and viewers.

Regarding the understanding between the members of the jury, Najwa Karam declared: “The jury is distinguished by its understanding in form, substance and content, we complement each other, and the positive spirit that reigns between us ultimately improves the program performance.

Najwa concluded by sending a message to the participants, saying that talent can be created with a person, but one must work to develop and perfect it. I am confident that people will like the seventh season, because we, as a jury, are the jury. first recipients, and I confirm that the talents advanced this season all stand out for their singularity, their brilliance and their level of performance. It’s close, and usually the participants will end up in the public’s hands in the final. the public becomes the judge and decision maker.

Bassem Youssef:

Bassem Youssef explains that his relationship with Arabs Got Talent is long-standing and adds: “I have been a follower of the program and a fan of its since its beginning, and I send my greetings to Ahmed Helmy and Ali Jaber, who we all miss. .”

Bassem Youssef added: “I have a good relationship with Nasser Al-Qasabi that has lasted for more than 12 years, and I always wanted to work with him until the right opportunity presented itself today… There therefore has a strong chemistry. between us, he is a competent old actor and I learn from him on the stage, and you can say that we complement each other, there is a spontaneous harmony between us that does not agree. As for Najwa Karam, she is an “Empress” and a “Princess”, so the interaction and dynamism between all of us is unparalleled, whether in front of or behind the camera.

Bassem Youssef continued: “I am very happy to be part of this great experience, even if one of the most difficult things for me is to be a judge who evaluates the talents of others. Everyone who goes on stage must have worked a lot. Perhaps it is the case for me not to say “yes” to this talent, but to say “no” if it is not worthy of competing with others.

Regarding his personal performance on the show as a jury member, Bassem Youssef explains: “I try to walk a fine line in which I balance bringing joy to the hearts of viewers and participants, while making careful not to evaluate talents in a painful way that might hurt them, but sometimes I can… Strict with others.

Presenter of the program Raya Abi Rashid

Raya Abi Rashid, who hosted the show in successive seasons, says, “My first impression of the seventh season was the positive audience response after a gap of around 5 years. » Raya added, “I am waiting for the seventh season, as the audience is waiting for it. We all love everything that is different, distinct and unexpected, and let’s remember that during the first seasons of Arabs Got Talent, social media. were not as strong and widespread as today, so this time we will follow unprecedented echoes of each… One episode and each participant is special. Raya concluded: “My performance in the program as a journalist differs in its professional form from my performance in the interviews I conduct with global celebrities and others, especially in Arabs Got Talent, we find that emotion mixes to professionalism. from our hearts, laughing sometimes and crying with emotion sometimes, and this is what most distinguishes the program and gives it intimacy and uniqueness.

It should be noted that the seventh season of Arabs Got Talent takes place in three stages: the audition stage, which consists of 5 episodes, followed by 4 episodes for the semi-final stage, and a final episode in which the winner is crowned title.



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