End of “Numbers and letters”: the rant of Tarnais Laurent Cabrol

End of “Numbers and letters”: the rant of Tarnais Laurent Cabrol
End of “Numbers and letters”: the rant of Tarnais Laurent Cabrol

the essential
Laurent Cabrol, who is now spending his retirement in the surroundings of Mazamet, is not upset: for him, the cessation of the show “Des Numéros et des Lettres” is “pitiful”. Selected piece.

Originally from Saint-Amans-Valtoret, in Tarn, Laurent Cabrol today lives on the family farm, near Mazamet. He, who notably hosted the show “Desnumeraires et des lettres” from 1989 to 1991, does not mince his words regarding the planned shutdown of this cult game. “I succeeded Patrice Laffont. A time when the game was very successful, he explains. We even presented the show in prime time 4 times a year. The champions did wonders to win… a dictionary! Today they would be millionaires.”

“A big OCIENNERE in 8 letters”

He continues: “But very quickly, over the years and channel directors, the game appeared out of date. It was too calm… Well yes, we have to think! And I quickly understood that our viewers were old. We are even become the stars of retirement homes. How can a public channel get rid of a slot for the elderly? It’s pitiful. I hosted sessions in nursing homes. a beautiful gymnastics of the mind With age the brain withers and such a show boosts it.

He concludes, bitterly: “Dear public service officials, you should have promoted numbers and letters and not killed it by deprogramming it to bury it discreetly… You have just entered history. I wish you a long life and you will then realize the impact of your decision: a professional error No, a big OCIENNERE in 8 letters.”



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