Naucelle. Delphine Laurent tells “Marie-Loup”

Naucelle. Delphine Laurent tells “Marie-Loup”
Naucelle. Delphine Laurent tells “Marie-Loup”

“Documentary film month in Aveyron” is a cultural action supported by the Department and implemented by the departmental media library.

The theme chosen this year by programmer Federico Rossin and the departmental media library team is “what do we have on our plate?”. The theme invites discovery through its diversity: from junk food to agriculture, including great restaurants, recipes passed down from generation to generation… Real cinematographic discoveries in perspective for both the eyes and the taste buds. And as a taste of all this, in partnership with the Aveyron departmental media library, the municipal library welcomes the author Delphine Laurent for her novel “Naisseur”, published by Éditions Albin-Michel.

This novel tells the story of Marie-Loup, a lawyer in who returns to the family farm after the death of her father. A dense, poignant book which recounts the installation, the daily life, the difficulties, the place of women, the relationship with animals, the gestures, the smells…

Saturday October 5 at 2:30 p.m., at the Naucelle library, we will be able to meet Delphine Laurent, novelist and breeder also in life, discover an interesting personality and meet up, discuss literature and agriculture in complete simplicity…

A breeder in Aveyron, she has a lot in common with the heroine of her novel even if the story of the book is not hers. But breeders will find in his words a resonance with their daily lives. The Arverne prize was awarded to him, Naisseur impressed the jury with “his authenticity, his realism, his accuracy about the peasant world”, recounted the press release for the prize.

Information: [email protected] / 05 65 67 82 95.



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