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What we know a year after the death of Myha (2 years old) in Meeffe (Wasseiges): blows to the head, her stepfather still in prison

What we know a year after the death of Myha (2 years old) in Meeffe (Wasseiges): blows to the head, her stepfather still in prison
What we know a year after the death of Myha (2 years old) in Meeffe (Wasseiges): blows to the head, her stepfather still in prison

Apart from the confirmation that the alleged perpetrator of the beatings, the girl’s stepfather, had been arrested by the police after fleeing, and placed under arrest warrant, no further information had been provided by the Liège judicial authorities, with the Public Prosecutor’s Office refusing to comment.

“She also showed signs of old injuries.”

Nearly a year after this sordid case of fatal violence, the Public Prosecutor’s Office confirms that “the victim died following one or more blows to the head”, as Rosalie Heinen, spokesperson for the Liège Public Prosecutor’s Office, explains to us. “She also showed signs of old injuries”, she adds.

While the investigation continues, the girl’s stepfather remains incarcerated in Lantin prison. While “Mr. saw his detention confirmed for a period of two months on August 21, 2024”, it is not known on what charge he was placed under arrest warrant by the investigating judge, as the Public Prosecutor’s Office did not wish to provide further information.

Misunderstanding in the neighborhood

In the street where the mother of the little victim lived, there was total incomprehension. In the neighborhood, no one expected such a tragedy, even if no one really knew the inhabitants of the house. The mother and her daughter had moved into this home for barely two months, the mother’s new partner having been there for about three weeks before the tragedy.



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