What Makes “Good” Collagen? What 3 Anti-Aging Experts Think

What Makes “Good” Collagen? What 3 Anti-Aging Experts Think

Collagen is a fibrous protein that the body produces via fibroblasts. Rich in amino acids, it is present in nails, skin, hair, bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments… and its role is to soften joints, strengthen nails and hair, and hydrate and tone the skin by boosting its elasticity. Unfortunately, our collagen declines as time goes by, “at a rate of 2% each year after the age of 30, then it experiences a drastic drop (-30%) at menopause, with fibroblasts drawing most of their production capacity from estrogens.”, explains Nariné Mikssiyan, dietician-nutritionist and D-LAB training manager.

It’s not a miracle solution

As a result, the tissues’ resistance capacity is reduced when this “support structure” is lacking. This is also the case when the body is put to the test (intense sports practice, pregnancy, unbalanced diet or strict regimen, etc.). The nutritionist therefore recommends “supplementing without delay to delay the destruction of fibroblasts”, even if it is not a miracle solution. Be careful, qualifies Fleur Phelipeau, founder of D-Lab, “this supplementation alone will not resolve chronic inflammation, bone fragility or established aging of the skin.”

It must be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle routine

This supplement should be considered (…)

- Top Santé

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