Marine Le Pen convicted for calling migrant aid association “accomplice of smugglers”
DayFR Euro

Marine Le Pen convicted for calling migrant aid association “accomplice of smugglers”

judgment – The leader of the RN had accused humanitarian associations of being “sometimes” “accomplices of the smugglers”, during an interview broadcast on BFMTV in January 2022

The appeals court has upheld Marine Le Pen’s conviction. The leader of the National Rally (RN) had accused Cimade, an association that helps migrants, of organizing “the illegal immigration network from the Comoros” to Mayotte. And the Paris appeals court on Wednesday upheld Marine Le Pen’s suspended fine of 500 euros for defamation against the association.

The RN leader had accused humanitarian associations of being “sometimes” “accomplices of the smugglers”, during an interview broadcast on BFMTV in January 2022. To the question “are humanitarian associations complicit in the crime of entry?”, Marine Le Pen, then a candidate in the April 2022 presidential election, had replied: “Sometimes yes. They are even accomplices of the smugglers, yes, sometimes.”

“The limits of freedom of expression (had) been crossed”

She then directly targeted Cimade, an association committed to fighting xenophobia and the exclusion of immigrants, for its actions in Mayotte. “Cimade actually organizes the illegal immigration network from the Comoros” to Mayotte, she declared. She finally pointed the finger at(…) - 20minutes


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