Behind the scenes of Inoxtag’s documentary event

Behind the scenes of Inoxtag’s documentary event

emotional ascent – YouTuber Inoxtag (finally) releases his documentary on his Everest ascent project. A look back at the behind-the-scenes of this high-altitude report

A return to the top. The comeback of Inoxtag – real name Inès Benazzouz – was signed with the release in theaters this evening of Kaizen, a year to carve Everest. With over 200,000 movie tickets sold and a worldwide distribution, this documentary that recounts his ascent of the highest mountain in the Himalayas (ergo in the world) was already expected to be a great success. If the return of the young YouTuber was highly anticipated, today everyone is asking one question: did he or did he not reach the summit of Everest?

Becoming a mountaineer and climbing Everest in exactly one year? That’s the dream of the young videographer, followed by 8 million subscribers on YouTube. It’s in the 2H40 documentary that we will discover all his preparation, his ascent, and whether he was able to put the ice axe, and the foot, on the roof of the world.

To return to this feat and understand the behind the scenes of the documentary, 20 MinuteI had the chance to speak with Louis Jammes and Benoît Marzouvanlian, two cameramen of the documentary.

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Also read:
Youtube: Inoxtag, Everest and the resurrection of the myth of the hero
Inoxtag on Everest: Challenge, “YouTube video”, vocation… The influencer’s ascent creates controversy and debate
These French students dream of emptying Everest of its tons of waste


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