A Leclerc pig farm pinned by the L214 association

A Leclerc pig farm pinned by the L214 association

Abuse – A preliminary investigation has been opened by the Saint-Brieuc public prosecutor’s office with the veterinary services

The L214 association has just announced that it has filed a complaint against a farm in Brittany for mistreatment of animals. The images filmed by a hidden camera come from a farm in Saint-Carreuc, in Côtes-d’Armor, which supplies Leclerc supermarkets. Brigitte Gothière, director of the association, denounces “sick pigs abandoned to their fate” and “cages so narrow that the sows sometimes crush their own young”.

With images to support her claim, the activist calls on Michel-Édouard Leclerc, the boss of the retail giant, to react. Because the animals raised on this farm do indeed supply Leclerc supermarkets under its “Repère Brand”, after having been slaughtered in the Kermené slaughterhouse, which belongs to the group.

In some images, we see fragile piglets being thrown against a wall, with the aim of killing them. Except that, for some, death only occurs after long minutes of agony. Beyond bad practices, the images also show a breeding in a poor state with animals having no access to the outside or to natural light. We also see injured or dead piglets among their peers.

A preliminary investigation opened

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Also read:
Brittany: L214 criticizes pig farm “in a catastrophic state”
Animal abuse: Complaint by the L214 association against a duck farm in Mayenne
Paris: Against intensive farming, the animal rights association L214 deploys giant martyr chickens


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