DayFR Euro

Is there still a pilot at Social Security? – Federation of Doctors of

We are 1 month after the revaluation of NGAP prices which took place on December 22, 2024, but Améli is working hard to update the practitioner files that patients can consult! Worse than updating, it indicates crazy prices…

No, Madam Social Security! we would have liked, we even hoped, that the basic Cs of specialist doctors would increase to 35 euros as you indicate on our Améli sheets in January 2025 but it has indeed remained at 31.50 euros (and you reimburse at €31.50 in reality) so by extension, the very complex Cs is not at 65 euros but at 61.50 euros…

The FMF Spé intends to help the CNAM update the prices of practitioners’ files.


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