Organic farming has measurable benefits for the climate, the preservation of natural resources and for human health. A study published by the Institute of Agriculture and Organic Food (Itab), which brings together researchers and professionals in the sector, reviews 800 scientific articles and underlines the importance of these « positive externalities » organic, for which the market does not allow a price to be given.
The quality of the soil is improved, the study underlines in particular, because the end of synthetic inputs requires longer and more diversified crop rotations. « In organic, soil biology indicators are improved in 70 % of cases compared to conventional agriculture »indicates Itab.
The effects on biodiversity are also recalled: plants and pollinators survive better thanks to the reduction in pesticides and insecticides. Species diversity is higher on average by 23 % on organic plots, as well as the total number of individuals (+32 %).
Political attacks against organic agriculture
On the consumer side, several studies, not yet stabilized, suggest that organic food is correlated with a reduced risk of obesity, diabetes or cancer.
Itab also emphasizes that greenhouse gas emissions per hectare are lower in organic agriculture than in conventional agriculture, « of the order of 50 % for the CO2 and nitrogen »notably thanks to the absence of synthetic fertilizers. The observation is more nuanced regarding breeding: « Methane emissions, which mainly concern ruminant farms, can be higher in organic farming. »because of the feeding of animals with fodder. « But several hypotheses point to the lesser contribution of organic livestock to emissions induced by land transformation. ».
Cet « state of the art » scientific, funded by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and carried out with the support of researchers from Inrae, Inserm and Isara, three public research establishments, intervenes in a difficult context for organic agriculture, stuck between its economic difficulties and harsh political attacks. The Senate notably adopted an amendment on January 17 removing the operating credits of the Agence bio, the French Agency for the development and promotion of organic agriculture.
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