As part of Pink October, the Jean-Rostand college mobilized its students for the second year…
As part of Pink October, the Jean-Rostand college mobilized its students for the second year in a row. The Foyer socio-Educatif offered a sale of madeleines as well as citrus fruits, half of the profits of which were donated to the League against cancer. Tuesday January 14, Michel Harmand, president of the Charente Cancer League, was presented with a check for €350 for the association, by Isabelle Sardain, executive secretary of the college and project leader, Gaëlle Simonet, librarian professor and president of the FSE, Frédéric Pinet, the principal and Calika Lafont, student involved in college life. The latter was one of the best sellers during this operation! The League against cancer in Charente has a budget of €800,000 of which more than €400,000 goes directly to research, the rest being distributed between hospitals and patient aid: accompaniment and support for patients in their daily lives (visits , well-being activities such as yoga or art therapy for example) and their family.
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