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A physical characteristic would make it possible to recognize a psychopath in the blink of an eye, according to this study

If psychopaths are diagnosed using characteristics clearly defined by psychiatry, they could also be recognized using a simple physical detail, according to a Canadian study.

The website l’Internaute defines a psychopath as “ a person with a personality disorder ».

This type of individual is characterized by distinctive personality traits: lack of empathy and sensitivity, antisocial behavior, selfishness, aggressiveness, etc.

As surprising as it may seem, psychopaths could also be recognized by a physical detail. At least that’s what a recent Canadian study tells us.

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A particularity at the level of the hand

According to researchers, people who have an index finger shorter than their ring finger may exhibit psychopathic traits. Yes, you read that correctly.

To carry out their research, the scientists analyzed 88 volunteers: 44 of them had psychiatric disorders and 36 were in “good psychological health”, details the site Doctissimo.


By exploiting the data collected, the authors of the study, including Dr. Serge Brand, psychology expert, made a discovery that was astonishing to say the least.

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«Analysis of volunteers’ hands confirms that compared to healthy controls, people with a clinically diagnosed psychiatric problem were more likely to have a shorter index finger and a longer ring finger».

You may not know this, but this finger ratio is called “2D:4D”. It is linked to the dark triad, a “psychology concept that brings together three interconnected personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy“. Obviously, the results of this study should be taken with (very large) tweezers.

“It is crucial to understand that finger ratio alone does not determine an individual’s future personality,” the study points out.

This will be published next February in the Journal Of Psychiatric Researsh.


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