DayFR Euro

Editorial. A vaccination center opened in , a first in in 2025

Five years ago, the first cases of what would become the biggest pandemic of the century began to be discreetly publicized in the media, before tumbling like an avalanche, removing all other concerns from the daily lives of the French. Whether lessons have been learned from the Covid episode or not, the years pass, barrier gestures fade away like the last boxes of masks forgotten in the drawer with old phones and obsolete chargers.

Until receipt on Monday January 13 of an email from the city of , to the address of The Week and other editorials. Its title immediately takes us back to what should have remained in the souvenir section: “Establishment of a flu vaccination center in Gentilly. » Suddenly, the images come back: the queues, the small booths, the areas to wait fifteen minutes just to see if everything is okay. Amazing how much memory can bounce back in one go. The mayor of Nancy alongside the director of the Regional Health Agency and hospital officials gathered on the same front: the epidemic situation at the beginning of January is not taken lightly. A first in in 2025, a vaccination center has opened in Nancy to accelerate prevention and avoid overcrowding of emergencies. A little earlier in the week, the Nancy CHRU had expressed its concern about the number of cases of flu requiring hospitalization, without however resorting to the White Plan. His medical director did not hesitate to talk about the situation of “post-traumatic syndrome” of Covid to qualify the state of mind of its teams on the ground, faced with an epidemic threat, proof that the world of health has not forgotten. This is a bit of the message sent with the establishment of this vaccination center: the anti-covid vaccination campaigns had given us all our freedom, there is still time to rediscover the right reflexes.



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